Chiropractic began with Daniel D. Palmer giving his first adjustment to a partially deaf man named Harvey Lillard in September 1895 in Davenport, Iowa. This adjustment restored Harvey’s hearing and led Daniel Palmer to open a school of chiropractic two years later.
Frequently Asked Question
A subluxation is a loss of function in a joint where there is an alteration of biomechanical and physiological dynamics of the structures causing nerve pressure. Vertebral subluxations are what a Chiropractor finds and restores motion to. In the spine it is a misaligned vertebra causing pressure on a nerve. A chiropractor restores the movement to the vertebrae by manually using their hands and using a procedure know as a spinal adjustment. Subluxations can be found in any joint in the body by a chiropractor.
Absolutely! Even when pain is not present, our bodies are under daily stress. There are 3 main types of stressors that cause subluxations; chemical, physical and emotional. Did you know that chiropractic helps your body to adapt to all three types of stress at a cellular level? Specific chiropractic adjustments help restore your body’s natural ability to heal itself. This is why wellness care goes beyond eliminating pain and symptoms and is a powerful tool to express life to the fullest.
Chiropractic is for everyone! From newborn babies to 99 year olds, anyone can get their spine checked and adjusted. Adjustments are modified for each individual so they are just right for them, always focusing on the area of the nervous system that needs balancing.
Interventions in birth often lead to pressure on the nervous system in babies.
Toddlers have lots of falls. When was the last time your child fell on their bottom or their head? Each of these falls and bumps has the potential to cause nerve pressure.
There are many other reasons to check your child’s spine, balancing the nervous system may help with:
- Restful sleep
- Decreased fussiness and irritability
- Improved elimination
- Developmental milestones
- Improved digestion
Adjusting children can help your little ones thrive from birth and beyond!
The report from parents is an overwhelming yes!
A recent government review commissioned by the Victorian health minister sought to determine whether there had been any harm caused by chiropractors when adjusting children.
The public was called upon to give their personal views on chiropractic care for children and what benefits they noted with their children after chiropractic care… and the results are in!
- “21,824 submissions were received from members of the public who had accessed chiropractic spinal care for a child under 12 years – the largest number of submissions received to date through Engage.Vic or any public stakeholder engagement.”
- “99.7% (21,750) reported a positive experience with the chiropractic care of their children.”
- “The overwhelming majority of parents/guardians reported that chiropractic spinal care helped their child, with 98% (21,474) indicating that their child improved after chiropractic care.”
- “Parents/guardians reported that they accessed chiropractic care for their child for a wide range of conditions and complaints, including maintaining general health and wellbeing. The most common conditions included posture concerns, colic, neck pain, difficulty with breastfeeding, back pain and headache.”
- “The most common benefits of spinal manipulation reported by practitioners were relief from pain, better sleep quality, more relaxed or settled child, able to feed and latch better, and improved mobility or range of motion.”
- “No examples or experiences of serious harm were reported through this consultation.”
It is clear that Chiropractic represents an extremely low risk care option for children under 12, with great parental satisfaction.
For more information on the COAG and SCV process visit